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by Jack As Lemmon, Sissy Spacek, John Shea, Melanie Mayron, Edward Lewis, Mildred Lewis, Costa-Gavras, Donald Stewart, Charles Cioffi, David Clennon, Jon Peters, John Nichols, Thomas Hauser, Margaret M. Dean, Ira Singerman, Audu Paden, Ricardo Aronovich, Françoise Bonnot, Peter Guber, directed by Costa-Gavras
Dvd, Published 2004 by Universal Pictures
Multiple Formats, Color, Dolby, Ntsc, Widescreen
ISBN-13: 978-0-7832-9988-4, ISBN: 0-7832-9988-5

"The peril facing a lone American amid Third World political turmoil is elegantly communicated in this important film from Costa-Gavras (Z), adapted by the director and Donald Stewart from Thomas Hauser's nonfiction book. The key to its power onscreen stems from the decision not to center the action merely on the disappearance of Charles Horman (John Shea), but also on the search for him by his father Ed (Jack Lemmon)--and on Ed's discov ..."

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Thomas Hauser

Margaret Dean

Jon Peters

John Nichols

Ira Singerman

Françoise Bonnot

Peter Guber

Audu Paden

Ricardo Aronovich

David Clennon

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