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Preaching The New Lectionary(2nd Edition)
Year A
by Dianne Bergant Csa, Richard N. Fragomeni
Paperback, 456 Pages, Published 2001 by Liturgical Press
ISBN-13: 978-0-8146-2472-2, ISBN: 0-8146-2472-3

"The Lectionary is made up of selected passages from the Bible, placed within a literary and liturgical context. This new context calls for a consideration of the liturgical character and setting of the Lectionary readings. "Preaching the New Lectionary: Year A" offers readers that interpretation."Preaching the New Lectionary" is unique. First, it employs a literary-liturgical way of interpreting all the readings of each Sunday and major ..."

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Richard Fragomeni

Dianne Bergant Csa