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Ultimate Reiki Touch
Initiation and Self Exploration as Tools for Healing
by Paula Horan, Narayan Choyin Dorje
Paperback, 224 Pages, Published 2002 by Lotus Press
ISBN-13: 978-0-914955-70-2, ISBN: 0-914955-70-5

"The Ultimate Reiki Touch exposes the root cause of stress and all disease and supplies the tools for successful stress management with the help of the Usui System of Natural Healing. This book introduces you to a variety of practices that support a quantum leap in the quality of your life. Once set in motion, such a shift provides far greater satisfaction and ease in everyday living, enabling you to thoroughly enjoy the ride, even when ..."

Exploring Reiki
(Exploring Series)
by Paula Lakshmi Horan, Dr Paula Laxmi Horan
Paperback, 192 Pages, Published 2005 by Career Press
ISBN-13: 978-1-56414-823-0, ISBN: 1-56414-823-8

Core Empowerment
by Paula Horan
Paperback, 223 Pages, Published 2003 by Full Circle Publishing Ltd
ISBN-13: 978-81-7621-029-4, ISBN: 81-7621-029-3

"Core Empowerment is a very valuable gift for you from Paula Horan. If you turn this book into a friend and companion and start interacting with it intimately, you will uncover a veritable and vast treasure trove for yourself."

Ah This! | OSHO
by Paula Horan
Paperback, 218 Pages, Published 2001 by Osho
ISBN-13: 978-81-7621-085-0, ISBN: 81-7621-085-4

"Exposes the root cause ofstress and all disease, and supplies the tools for successful stress management with the help of the Usui system of natural healing."

108 Questions and Answers
by Paula Horan, Paula Haurain
Paperback, 144 Pages, Published 2003 by Full Circle Publishing Ltd
ISBN-13: 978-81-7621-084-3, ISBN: 81-7621-084-6

"Full Circle Publishing Ltd Reiki 108 Questions And Answers"

život u vašim rukama ; buđenje sposobnosti iscjeljivanja
by Paula Horan
183 Pages, Published 2001
ISBN-13: 978-953-6269-10-5, ISBN: 953-6269-10-4

Reiki - o Toque Definitivo "Livro novo. Lacrado. - 201638023"(1st Edition)
by Paula Horan
Paperback, 200 Pages, Published 2004 by Pensamento
ISBN-13: 978-85-315-1400-5, ISBN: 85-315-1400-2

"Reiki: O Toque Definitivo, com seu estilo atraente e cheio de imaginação, talvez seja uma das melhores apresentações do Método Usui de Cura Natural que conhecemos. Certamente, é um método manual interativo e voltado para a prática. Com clareza, respeito e poesia, elucida os mistérios da Energia Universal da Força Vital. E, o que é ainda mais pertinente, apresenta ao leitor um conjunto de métodos fáceis mas eficazes, cujo objetivo é inte ..."

Try it My Way
by Osho, Paula Horan
Paperback, Published 2003 by Full Circle Publishing Ltd
ISBN-13: 978-81-7621-087-4, ISBN: 81-7621-087-0

Ozon - der unsichtbare Heiler.(1st Edition)
by Paula Horan
Paperback, 240 Pages, Published 2003 by Windpferd Verlagsges. Mbh
ISBN-13: 978-3-89385-418-9, ISBN: 3-89385-418-5

La abundancia a través del reiki(1st Edition)
by Dr Paula Horan, Luisa Fernández Sierra
Paperback, 174 Pages, Published 2001 by Editorial Sirio
ISBN-13: 978-84-7808-244-5, ISBN: 84-7808-244-1

Soigner, se soigner - L'énergie vitale canalisée par vos mains Horan, Paula and Derouet-Delmont, Anne
by Paula Horan, Anne Derouet-Delmont
Paperback, 212 Pages, Published 2003 by Médicis
ISBN-13: 978-2-85327-218-6, ISBN: 2-85327-218-4

Satsangs der Selbstbefreiung(1st Edition)
die neun Prinzipien der Selbstheilung mit einem 40-Tage-Programm. Paula Horan und Narayan Chöyin Dorje. Aus dem Amerikan. übertr. von Matthias Dehne
by Paula Horan, Narayan Choyin Dorje, Dorje Horan
Paperback, 192 Pages, Published 2003 by Windpferd
ISBN-13: 978-3-89385-413-4, ISBN: 3-89385-413-4

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Paula Horan

Narayan Choyin Dorje

Paula Laxmi Horan

Paula Haurain


Anne Derouet-Delmont

Dorje Horan

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